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BALMUDA - The Toaster 1300W (3rd Gen) – Black

BALMUDA - The Toaster 1300W (3rd Gen) – Black


經典簡約的獲奬外型設計,配合專屬的蒸氣技術,讓麵包口感層次再提升,就是日本 BALMUDA The Toaster 與別不同之處!踏入第三代機型,功能再度提升。


同時,特別加入了開關按鍵更易操作,全新自動關機安全機能,會於停止操作後 30 秒自動關機,更安全也更省電。內建 5 種烘烤模式,包括
吐司、芝士吐司、法式麵包、牛角麵包及經典模式,讓您製作更多創意美食。嶄新蒸氣烘烤功能以外,亦具備 170℃ 至 250℃ 的傳統加熱烘烤模式,吐司以外,製作各種料理時也能靈活應用!

・第三代 BALMUDA The Toaster
・電子溫控技術,能根據麵包種類,以 1 秒為單位細緻地控制溫度

・The third generation of BALMUDA The Toaster
・New power button with 30 second auto off
・Improved temperature control to enhance the toasting
・Patented water steaming technology to fill and keep the moisture in bread.
・According to the bread type, electronic temperature control fine tunes the desired temperature in every second.
・The two technologies combined to make the best tasting toasts and bread that are crushy on the outside and soft on the inside.
・5 preset programs designed for different types of bread.
・Making stale breads like freshly baked.

庫存單位: K05E-BK
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